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Our Mission

FC58 preserves our club heritage, protects our fan culture and upholds the best interest of our fanbase by challenging corporate power and any systemic injustice through frontline partnerships, coalitions and strategic campaigns.

We will provide a transparent and credible representation we have needed for so long but lacked.

Our values and what we stand for are published on our charter.


Respect And

We will build on the mandate given to us by our fanbase earned through trust and credibility. This is something we do not take lightly. Due to the foundations we have laid with other initiatives FC58 will allow us to make a real impact. We have scaled, we will evolve and we will branch out to every area of our fanbase.

Our once great fanbase that needs to heal from the scars of a generation of mismanagement and decay. Also a distrust fuelled by individuals and groups who have been driven by self interests and ambition.


Fighting For Our Club And
Our Heritage

We are committed to doing what is necessary, not only what is considered feasible to ensure our club is run responsibly and fan, family and community traditions are restored.

We have big plans. We have big ambitions. We will succeed.

In Numbers

Every protest we planned has been well organised, peaceful and effective. More than previous years combined.
Fans Attended
Approximately the number of fans who have attended protests since we formed not even 3 years ago.
Flyers Printed
To raise awareness of protests and shine the lens of greed back on the ownership of our club.
Emails Sent
To raise awareness with sponsors, ruling bodies and government.


From day one of the formation of FC58 we will clearly outline our charter, values and mission detailing our goals and objectives. The greatest club in the world needs the greatest fan representation in the world. A groundbreaking moment for our fanbase with fresh and contemporary ideas.

Pillar 1 - Exit Plan

To ensure there is a full clarity, transparency and disclosure on the exit plan for the Glazers to an agreed timetable. The clock is ticking.

Pillar 2 - Fan issues

To enable mediation & negotiation directly with relevant groups on fans behalf. Predicting key issues that are of great concern to our fanbase. We are proactive. We are forward thinking. We are progressive.

Pillar 3 - Dialogue

A fully open dialogue with all fans, Creation of an online public forum for concerns and idea submissions. Publish clear updates. Using the mandate of 62K member and over 121K social followers. An organised collective that can no longer be ignored.

Pillar 4 - Rebuild

Rebuilding the damage to our club, fanbase and terrace culture. Rebuild a strong unified fan community, healing the wounds of 19 years of hostile occupation. For the love.

Pillar 5 - Culture

Protect and uphold our terrace culture and heritage. Create online media outlets to address the growing issue of online hate and profit driven divisive fancam channels. It's not the medium its how some falsely represent our club and fans under a facade.

Pillar 6 - Glazers Gone

The have inflicted untold generational damage on our club. Address corporate sponsors directly backed by our 62K mandate. They exit our club to a target deadline. Non negotiable. Never forgive. Never forget.

Pillar 7 - Tradition

Old Trafford is sacred and hallowed ground. Watered with the tears of joy and despair from memories of generations. We will campaign to ensure those it maters to most are given a say. We will campaign to ensure our game isn't taken abroad out of our community. We will fight for every fan on the street.

Pillar 8 - Integrity

Independent fan representation will be free of all self interest. A true alliance, all ages and backgrounds. There will be no hierarchies . No self ambition. No funding. Zero conflict of interest trying to keep club and fans happy. It's a line that CANNOT be walked. Our promise is honesty & integrity like always.

Take Action

Big goals are achieved in small steps. Our movement is organized in a way that allows everyone to participate and contribute. No longer will the voice of the fans be silenced, ignore and patronised.

Put an end to 17/19

Campaign with us to end 17/19. This is a direct assault on Season Ticket Holders who have been the lifeblood of our club for generations. The club intend to increase this from 15/19 to 19/19 over the next few years. It’s nothing more than a delaying tactic to pacify fans. It is NOT a win.

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